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24.09.2010 11:06
Unglaublicher Behördenblödsinn in GB Zitat · Antworten

Da torpediert eine Verwaltung allen Ernstes die weitere Sanierung einer Windmühle weil Nachbarn Angst haben, dass ihnen Mühlenbesucher von der Galerie aus auf die Grundstücke gucken können *kreiiiisch*... und das bei einer der absolut wertvollsten Mühlen des Landes! Aber lest selbst:

Am 23.09.2010 im "Rugby & Lutterworth Observer":

Rules leave mill future in doubt

THE FUTURE of a project to restore a 200-year-old windmill is in doubt due to restrictions imposed by Harborough District Council, fear conservationists.
Although permission was granted for Ullesthorpe Preservation Trust to carry out renovation work which includes reinstating the reefing stage - which gave the miller access to the sails - and creating a study centre, the times the windmill can open to the public have been restricted.
The trust hoped to organise school visits to the windmill from 9.30am and set start times for other activities as early as 8am. They also outlined ideas for evening visits from groups such as the scouts on top of the open weekends which already take place.
But the council said the windmill could only open from 10am until 5pm and on only 30 days a year, with no more than ten of these at the weekend.
Applications for grants to fund the work have now been put on hold as the Trust assesses its options.
Dr Susan Tebby, chair of the trust, said: "We were absolutely surprised at the conditions imposed. For the five years we have been open the days have been extremely successful with requests to do more and we have never had one complaint."
The council told the trust the restrictions had been imposed to help control traffic and manage the number of people at the site as some residents had raised concerns people would be able to look from the reefing stage into their properties.
A spokesman from the District Council, said: "The conditions in regard to the opening restrictions were deemed necessary by members of the planning committee in consideration of the adjoining neighbours which are very close to the windmill."
But Dr Tebby said people would not be looking at neighbouring properties from the reefing stage as they would be there to check the sails. She also said the Trust had a long standing arrangement with a local pub for visitors to use its car park to keep vehicles off the road.
The Trust had been preparing to apply for a £500,000 lottery grant but cannot now currently as they would be unable to meet the criteria due to the restriction in the activities they could offer.
Dr Tebby said: "The community is totally bewildered. It was a shock to be clamped down in that way."
The last open days of the year will be held on Saturday and Sunday (September 25 and 26), from 11am until 4pm.
Morris dancers will be performing on Sunday at 2.30pm and visitors can find out about the history of the mill.
Visit for more information.

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Gibt's zu solchem Blödsinn schon Parallelen in Deutschland oder kommt das womöglich noch auf uns zu? Gäbe es in Deutschland überhaupt eine Rechtsgrundlage, einem Mühlenbesitzer Beschränkungen aufzuerlegen, wer wann und zu wie vielen die Mühle besuchen darf???

Gruß und GZ!


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